“The New You with Mind Spa” course at Suvana Resort, Lopburi province during May 12 – 14, 2017

During May 12 – 14, 2017, the Meksaereekul family and friends had invited Verenable Ajarn Kittiched Siriwattago, monks and nuns to teach Vipassana course “The New You with Mind Spa”, Lopburi province.


It has been over 3 years that Mr. Suwit and Mrs. Jintana Meksaereekul, Zubb Steel Group’s Directors, who were the hosts of this course at Suvana Resort. Nowadays, Suvana Resort becomes the place where 130 practitioners including Zubb Steel Group’s employees and people outside company would like to stay and relax themselves through learning Dhamma.

First day of the course, the hosts welcomed all practitioners for course registrstion since morning time. The activity began with praying with mindfulness, giving alms to monks and practicing eating with mindfulness afterward all practitioners attended the Dharma talk session by Ms. Kaew Srisakul Fu-Trakul and Ms. Por Vorajan Tieng-Dharm those who have found the truth of life and realized that nothing could fulfill our peaceful life, but only “Dhamma”.

Start the second day with praying, walking meditation and practicing being mindful as well as the first day of the course. After that V.A. Kittiched Siriwattago gave a sermon and he focused on teaching how to practice being mindful to make all practitioners understand how to be mindful on their bodies and minds because of the difference issues of the individual concerns. Some had physical problems and some had personal experiences of depression. It taught them to stay in present and understand Buddha’s Dhamma by practicing Vipassana. As well as Dhamma speaker for this day was Ms. Ple Parajaree Poramatset who used to encounter cancer issue and she could get through this crisis with Dhamma. We also had Ms. Ann Ah-Yuporn Tongpiew who had reached Dharma and practiced stopping her bad desires and habits with cold turkey.

At the night of second day, it was the time of “Phra Nai Baan” activity which  all practitioners could make an apology and ask for forgiveness from their parents and patrons and also expressed their appreciation to the hosts.

Last day, the practitioners shared their feelings towards this course. Even it had no much time but the practitioners could explain how they understood Dhamma and felt joyful from Vipassana practice. As two of practitioners “Mr. Suthathip” and “Ms. Nantawan Chatawat” said, “V.A. Kittiched had taught us how to understand the true Vipassana practice and we could see a lot of people who could do and we realized that happiness from our mind is the best. No matter how big the problem is, it depends on our mind. Make our mind happy, we will be happy.”

According to our assessment after the course, some of practitioners told us about their impression as the followings;

  • I feel happier and acknowledge that love and mercy are always around me if I just open my mind then I find them. Now my mind is filled with peace, calm and gentleness. I am ready to share my loving-kindness to everyone.
  • My mind is calmer and my anger has gone 90%. It feels calm, light and relieved. Happiness in my mind goes up in every second and I could let the bad things go. I could forgive others. I realized that there are a lot of good people and things surrounding me if I always focus on positive way.
  • My mind is more mindful and calmer. I know how to give loving-kindness and sympathy to others.
  • I feel so impressed with the performance of monks, nuns and volunteers for this course. I feel lucky to meet good friends here.
  • I feel so impressed with V.A. Kittiched, monks, nuns, hosts, volunteers, practitioners and service providers. I feel happier and Suvana Resort is peaceful, comfortable and convenient place. It also provided us very delicious food.
  • All staff here are friendly. This course taught me how to do correct way of walking meditation. It provided integrated Dhamma via modern visual aids and make me learn Dhamma easily and have fun with it . And the most important thing is that my mind is relieved.

— Sathu…Sathu…Sathu…Anumothami —