“Vipassana brings joy into life Course” at Rattana Saeree Dhamma Retreat (King Pac) during May 5 – 7, 2017

During May 5 – 7, 2017, King Pac Industrial Co., Ltd. had invited Venerable Ajarn Kittiched Siriwattago, monks and nuns to provide Vipassana Course called “Vipassana Brings Joy into Life” at Rattana Saeree Dhamma Retreat, Chonburi Province. Also, the employees under the company had joined this course.

Even it had not much time for the course, but it was full of quality and willing from every sections. All practitioners had paid attention to participate all activities throughout the course. They had learnt how to do the Four Foundations of Mindfulness; Walking Meditation, Sitting Meditation, Mindfulness on Eating, Being Mindful Practice and Observing Precepts.


In the Dhamma talk session, our two guest speakers ‘Ms. Parajaree Poramatset (Ple)’ and ‘Ms. Pitchayapa Kaewsaiwattana (Ple)’ shared Dhamma experiences regarding illness. Even our body gets sick but our mind could be still happy and peaceful through Vipassana Practice and Recollecting to the Buddha (Buddhanussati)

Practitioners had also participated in next Dhamma talk session about ‘The Law of Action and Reaction’ and ‘Phra Nai Baan’ (Orahan in the House) activities those all practitioners could apologize and ask forgiveness from their parents and patrons. This activity brought a lot of appreciation to all practitioners.

According to our assessment after the course, some of practitioners told us about their impression as the followings;

– I feel impressed with all activities. I could look into myself and realize that when I was paying attention to practice and opened my mind to what the master and volunteers had taught us. Thank you so much for providing such these good activities. I do appreciate and feel that “I can do” because the way of Dhamma and Vipassana practice are around us and also not that difficult.

– It feels like my mind is light and has more concentration. I do now feel happiest ever.

– I feel impressed with the loving-kindness of the master, monks, nuns and volunteers. I am fulfilled with warmness and joy throughout the course.

– I feel so light, relieved and comfortable. My mind feels relax and calm. I was changed to be better and gentler person.

– I feel happier after walking and sitting meditation practice.

Please rejoice this merit with V.A. Kittiched, monks, nuns, hosts, practitioners and volunteers.
